Inside Edition
A producer from Inside Edition called me the other day about appearing on a segment of the show about the End Times. He apparently googled "end times" or something similar and up came my name.
He thought I believed in the Rapture, a Christian fundamentalist belief that sometime soon, at the sound of the trumpet, believing Christians will literally fly from the Earth to meet Jesus in the air. Well, at one time, years ago, I did. I remember well the first time I heard about this teaching. "If this is true," I said, "Why isn't it widely taught, I mean, this is incredible!"
The Rev. Tim LaHaye, in his best-selling series of end-time "Left Behind" books, has reinforced this belief among a segment of our population. I think he's preaching to the choir, as I haven't met anyone who became a believer in the Rapture as a result of reading LaHaye.
Anyway, Inside Edition wanted to do a show about people who believe that the end of the world is near. The hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis made them think this would be a hot topic.
The end of the world, as we know it, may come someday. It really depends on how much abuse old mother earth can take. Perhaps, and this is depressing, that all that will be left on earth are microbes or bacteria.
At least it won't happen in our lifetime, or even in our grandchildren's lifetime.
He thought I believed in the Rapture, a Christian fundamentalist belief that sometime soon, at the sound of the trumpet, believing Christians will literally fly from the Earth to meet Jesus in the air. Well, at one time, years ago, I did. I remember well the first time I heard about this teaching. "If this is true," I said, "Why isn't it widely taught, I mean, this is incredible!"
The Rev. Tim LaHaye, in his best-selling series of end-time "Left Behind" books, has reinforced this belief among a segment of our population. I think he's preaching to the choir, as I haven't met anyone who became a believer in the Rapture as a result of reading LaHaye.
Anyway, Inside Edition wanted to do a show about people who believe that the end of the world is near. The hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis made them think this would be a hot topic.
The end of the world, as we know it, may come someday. It really depends on how much abuse old mother earth can take. Perhaps, and this is depressing, that all that will be left on earth are microbes or bacteria.
At least it won't happen in our lifetime, or even in our grandchildren's lifetime.
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