Commentary from Skipp Porteous

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Is Pat Robertson an Idiot?

Televangelist Pat Robertson continues to put his foot in his mouth and make idiotic remarks. His latest remarks were about Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel. He said that Sharon's stroke was as a result of God's judgment because Sharon was giving land back to the Palestinians (the biblical Philistines).

This is as idiotic as Robertson's prounouncements of God's judgments of the other idiots who believe in UFOs. And again, not too long ago, he suggested that the U.S. government assasinate Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

Are Robertson's off-the-cuff remarks just stupid, biased, anti-everything but Robertson, or are they something more? I think it's an example of people who believe in a myths and unproved doctrines (All doctrines are unproved theological theories.) who won't listen to reason. It's akin to the Creationists, some of which now call their belief Intelligent Design. They are not intelligent, but pathetically ignorant. (I haven't figured out yet Robertson's views of Chavez, except that Chavez is anti-American, and maybe Robertson believes America is God's second Chosen Land.)

Pat Robertson believes that the Bible predicted the 1948 re-formation of Israel, and that the biblical land promised to Abraham is what Israel will eventually inheirit. Anything less than that is going against God. That's why he said what he did about Sharon. Fortunately, greater Christian values came through and he apologized. (But his apology may have come because his name was no longer going to be included as a benefactor at a tourist site in Northern Israel.)

Robertson, like so many Christian fundamentalists, refuse to employ reason. This is to their detriment, as it leads them to make foolish statements like Robertson is prone to make. Of course, they can believe anything they like. Who really cares?

For God's sake, God gave us a brain. Let's use it. People like Robertson go against God because they don't use the faculties God gave them.


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