Commentary from Skipp Porteous

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Katie Couric's Sign-off

Pick up any newspaper, including the revered New York Times, and read a few articles. In every issue, you'll find the word unclear. They might say, "It's unclear who is behind the latest suicide bombing in Iraq."

This is the media's way of saying that they haven't a clue. If they said, "It's unclear what President Bush was thinking when he decided to invade Iraq," that would make sense.

Newscasts on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox all use the word "unclear." One thing is clear to me: all these networks care about is their ratings. The higher the ratings, the more they can charge advertisers.

This was also born-out when CBS boosted their ratings with the appointment of Katie Couric as the anchor on the CBS News. Now, there is more chatter about her sign-off than the quality of the reporting. I suggest that she simply say at the end of the news, "Are you clear now?"


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