Commentary from Skipp Porteous

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Andy & David

Sometime in 1987, the City of New York put new sidewalks in on Washington Street in the West Village. Before the cement hardened, someone scratched in "Andy & David 1987." Often when I walk Sparky, I see their inscription. I imagine one of them did it. Maybe they were walking by, hand-in-hand, and couldn't resist the temptation of wet cement, and immortality.

I imagine Andy and Steve were men, unless Andy was a woman. But I doubt it, for several reasons. One being that the West Village of New York City is a very gay area. I've seen two men having sex on the sidewalk in the West Village. That's nothing. I've seen three male and female couples having sex in cars in the West Village. Not all at once, of course.

Seeing "Andy & David" reminds me of the Rev. Jerry Falwell. (Sorry for such a disturbing thought.). He's fond of saying, "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Well, sorry Jerry, I beg to differ with you. (I've debated Falwell on TV, so this isn't the first time I've differed with him.). God created Adam and Steve, and Andy and David.

When Jesus taught us to pray, he said, "Our Father..." "Our" means all of us. The fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Sure, some don't think that there should be couples like Andy and David, but that's the way it is folks.

I just hope Andy and David are still around. AIDS has devestated the gay community in the United States, much the way it's devestated the straight community in Africa.

Andy and David will always be remembered, at least every time I pass by with Sparky.


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