McCain Flip Flops
Just a few years ago Senator John McCain referred to the televangelists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as "agents of intolerance," because of their lack of respect of the constitutional provision for the separation of church and state. Now, he's embraced that same intolerance by naming Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Raised in a Pentecostal church, the Assemblies of God, Palin is about as right-wing as you can get. The Assemblies of God engage in the practice of speaking in tongues (gibberish that they believe in a prayer language), faith-healing, and the soon return of Jesus. Of course, I don't begrudge her right to believe in that. After all, this is America.
While it hasn't come out that Palin speaks in tongues, it's my guess that she does. We do know that she thinks that the Iraq war is God's war, that she doesn't believe in abortion, even in cases of rape or incest, believes that Biblical creationism and abstinence should be taught in public schools. That last one, though, abstinence, didn't seem to work very well for her family.
For years, the religious right tried to win the White House. Pat Robertson himself even ran for President. Now, if McCain happens to win, they'll have accomplished their goal. With McCain's age and health history, Sarah Palin could become Evangelist in Chief.
Hey Skipp--
Boy do I miss IFAS, especially now. I've been blogging myself, posting to Daily KOS and Talk to Action, and helping out MIkey Weinstein with any commentary he can use.
KOS people consider me a "concern troll" because I'm worried that once again the Republicans are winning the subliminal battle and may yet steal another election, only this timne, as you so trtenchantly observed, we could be in seriously deep shit.
This took me back to your novel, and the chilling proposition that we could in many ways be looking at life imitating art, and the results won't be pretty. In any case I'm glad I finally got off my cyber-duff and looked you up. Glad to see you're still in there pitching.
I'm enclosing a bit of satire I did the other day that I didn't dare post on KOS, so I sent it to to see if they might use it. Meantime, I thought it might give you a sardonic tickle or two.
Keep the faith...
David Siegle
David H. Siegle
151 Pleasant St.
Ware, Ma. 01082
Welcome to My Nightmare 9/22/08
Appx. 800 wds ©2008
January 23, 2009
White House To Make Major Changes
(Washington) The Palin-McCain administration today announced a major shakeup in how the government will work from now on.
Beginning today, President McCain will now be known as the Figurehead-in-Chief, ceding nearly all the day-to-day responsibilities of his office to acting president, chief political commisar, and official liaison to the Almighty, vice-president Sarah Palin.
Speaking from his La-Z-Boy recliner in the Oval Office, a parting gift from President Bush, McCain told reporters he has no misgivings about the reorganization. “Hey look,” the president said, “I told you we’d bring to change to Washington. We all know who the people really voted for. Sister Sarah knows what she’s doing, so who am I to stand in the way? And if she needs me for anything she can just send me a message by the e-mail. Any of you know how to turn on this massage thingy?”
Later in the day, Mrs. Palin held her first official press conference, telling Fox News, the only media outlet given permission to address the vice-president, that “There’s gonna be change all right. Check this out.”
Commisar Palin then announced that Roger Ailes of Fox News would head up the new Ministry of Propaganda. Asked if that might be a conflict of interest, Palin replied she didn’t think so. “I mean, jeez, it isn’t like Mr. Ailes hasn’t been doing this all along anyways, right?”
Asked if she had made all her staffing decisions, Palin replied, “We’re working on that right now. We’re going through my high school yearbook as we speak looking for the most qualified candidates.”
Palin then said that the facility at Guantanamo Bay will soon be closed. “Don’t need it anymore,” Palin said. “See, in my home state of Alaska there’s plenty of room to hold all those terrorists, liberals and anyone who crosses me. Heck we can build a whole network out there. Remember, as a foreign policy expert you think I haven’t been staring out at Siberia all these years without learning a thing or three, like how to construct and maintain a gulag? I mean even the climate’s the same.”
In a related development Palin also said the so-called Bridge to Nowhere is once again on the table. “It’s a true public works project now,” Palin said. “We’re planning on building the main detention center on Gravina Island, and since I already built the road when I was governor all we need to do now is slap up that bridge and start transporting the detainees.”
Turning to economic developments, Commisar Palin said she and the FIC were working on setting up a blue ribbon panel of experts to find a way to move the economy forward without government control. “Basically we want to regulate the regulators,” Palin said. “We know it’s the rich and powerful who really run this country, so why not let ‘em, especially now that we know that not even a president or vice-president is capable of being a CEO - hey you, yes you in the back with the laptop. Stop blogging! Stop blogging right now! Sorry about that, heh heh. Guess I haven’t gotten Alaska politics out of my system yet.”
After composing herself for a minute, Commisar Palin then addressed the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and the strained relations with Russia. “Who am I to stand in the way of God’s plan?”, Palin asked rhetorically. “If God says stay in Iraq or attack Russia or invade Pakistan, why then that’s what we’ll do. I’m asking all those good Christian soldiers in the Pentagon to draw up a series of attack plans based on their reading of scripture. They’re calling it Operation Rapture. We’re serving notice on the world that we’re going to out-Taliban the Taliban.”
On the domestic front, Palin said the administration has been busy drawing up a legislative agenda consistent with hers, and therefore the country’s, beliefs. “For instance,’”Palin said, “We all know America is a Christian nation, and that God put white people here to run it. And with the population projections showing that whites will soon be in the minority, and in accordance with my own family values, I’m proposing the Caucasian Youth-fertilization Act, or CYA. The idea is to give any white American girl capable of child-bearing a tax credit for every baby she conceives with a white partner and carries to term, regardless of how or why she got pregnant. Now that’s community organizing.”
Asked if she had anything else to add before concluding, Palin thought for a moment and then said, “Yeah, there is one thing. Y’know that Library of Congress of ours probably has some books in it that folks like me, and therefore the American people, might find objectionable and ought to be removed. Maybe I better have a little talk with that librarian. Hey Todd, pencil that in for me willya.”
wake up wake up wake up wake up
Marvin Gaye
bughouse square, at 4:52 PM
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